The Path to the Mountain
Book Excerpt:
“Into the mist, Tonya walked. She could not see ahead, but somehow, she felt safe. She was not lost, and she somehow knew it. Gradually, the mist began to clear. There was the familiar figure of Sojourner Truth ahead of her, waiting. “Take my hand and let us travel together!” Sojourner Truth seemed radiant and joyful. “I have been chosen to walk with you for a while.” Any fear that lived in her before disappeared, and Tonya felt the support and strength of Sojourner’s hand in hers as they began to walk.
She didn’t even feel the need to ask where they were going; there was just trust. As they walked together, ahead of them loomed a mountain. In the distance, Tonya heard the sound of drums, faint at first, then growing louder. The sound of a profound, repeating rhythm connected with her heartbeat and beckoned her forward.”