Authentic Expression-Movement and Music

Discover the Contemplative and Soothing Potential of Movement and Music

Old Woman Playing Harp

Authentic Movement Practitioner and Music-Thanatologist

Drumscherer is a compilation of the passions that have formed and informed the life of Catharine Drum Scherer. Her life is dedicated to creating safe and loving spaces through authentic expression, movement, and music, connecting people to the sacred rhythms of their lives.

Headshot Photo of the Female Author

About Catharine Drum Scherer

As a musician, teacher, facilitator, counselor, Authentic Movement practitioner, and certified musicthanatologist (CM-Th), Catharine has made it her life’s work to connect individuals with their deepest, resonant selves. She also takes pride in furthering her education and earning an MA in Human Development, expanding her knowledge and perspective. 

Inquire about Catharine Drum Scherer’s works and services.

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Her Many Roles and Services

Musical Witness

Catharine is a highly trained musician who provides her presence and music to support and empower lives from beginning to end. With her group, Robinsong, she offers musical witness services for special life events, including births, graduations, weddings, funerals, memorials, and more, as well as soothing music for the holidays.

Seminar Speaker

Utilizing her talents as a skilled educator and facilitator, she provides seminars on subjects as diverse as clowning, conflict management, group development, and Authentic Movement.

Authentic Movement Practitioner

Catherine offers witness services and a safe space for self-exploration and expression.


Using a harp and her beautiful voice, she provides live music to serve the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of people nearing their final days.


She utilizes writing as another creative outlet for her passion. She has written three books that are currently for sale.

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Her Long-Time Concept Turned into Reality

Catherine expanded her envisioned concept into a practical and relaxing activity. Space to Play was created to provide a time and place for people to deepen and learn more about their inner selves as they play with various mediums, such as sand trays, blocks, clay, paint, collages, and more. She aims to eventually see intergenerational sharing, like elders and youth sharing their stories through play.