The Soothing Power of Music-Thanatology
The integration of music and medicine to comfort the sick is a concept that is ancient. From the healing temples of Greece to the monastic infirmaries of the Middle Ages, music has proven to be a powerful resource to ease pain and suffering. Rooted in this tradition, music-thanatologists today offer live music prescriptively to patients suffering from many forms of life threatening illness and at the end of life.
Music for Loved Ones Who Are Ill or Dying
Music-thanatology is a component of palliative care, the medical discipline focused on the relief of suffering and the promotion of quality of life. The music-thanatologist brings harp and voice to people who are terminally ill, potentially softening fear, discomfort and suffering with the prescriptive qualities of music. Harp vigils last approximately 30 to 45 minutes or longer, depending on the patient’s needs. It has no religious or nonreligious boundaries and is appropriate for all.
Music-thanatology is not intended to entertain or distract the patient. Instead, the music allows the patient to enter the unbinding process of letting go in his or her own way. It allows families to be with their loved ones in a very intimate yet safe atmosphere where words are not necessary, and words that are said can come from a deep place.
Common Responses to a Harp Vigil
- Eased Respirations
- Reduced Anxiety
- Decreased Pain
- Deeper Rest
What Palliative Music Can Facilitate
- A Calming Atmosphere
- An Easing of Family Conflicts and Emotional Upsets
- A Sense of Peace
- A Beauty, Reverence, and Dignity Experience
- A Safe Space to Express Grief
Benefits of Live Music
Music delivered live can attend dynamically to the patient’s ongoing needs. That is why music–thanatologists are trained to respond to the patient’s ever-changing physiological, emotional, and spiritual states.
When Harp Vigil Is Appropriate
- After the Initial Diagnosis of a Life-Threatening Illness
- During Emotional Difficulty or Pain
- When Curative Treatment Is Ended
- When the Patient Is Actively Dying
During this entire process, one or more vigils can help patients and their loved ones find peace amid loss.
Music-Thanatology Service Costs
No one is ever refused a vigil because of an inability to pay. The cost to provide a vigil ranges from $150 to $175. Some hospices and hospitals include this as a part of their service.

Referral Process
A patient or family member must give permission for a music vigil. If you perceive that your loved one could benefit from this offering please contact Catharine Drum Scherer, MA, CM-th Certified Music-thanatologist (509) 475-6992
Visit Music-Thanatology Association International’s website for additional information or where you may find a music-thanatologist in your area.
Arrange for a Music Virgil
For compassionate music-thanatology services, please do not hesitate to contact Drumscherer. You can also reach out to arrange a presentation at your church, school, or organization in and around Spokane, WA.