Authentic Movement

Catharine Drum Scherer, MA, CM-th, has been practicing and facilitating Authentic Movement sessions for over 37 years. It has been the foundation of her work as a music teacher and facilitator of group process and conflict management seminars. Most importantly she applies Authentic Movement to her work as a certified music-thanatologist, where she plays music prescriptively using a harp and voice to support individuals at the end of their lives and their loved ones.

What Is Authentic Movement
Authentic Movement is a simple form of self-directed movement usually done with eyes closed and attention directed inward in the presence of a witness. Movers explore spontaneous gestures, movements, and stillness, following inner impulses in the present moment. Meanwhile, the witness attends deeply to the mover containing any stories, interpretation or judgment that might arise.
Moving and being seen by another opens the possibility for profound awareness and change at a cellular level. It is commonly practiced individually or in a group with an experienced witness.
The Practice
Authentic Movement can deepen people’s ability to be present and connect more deeply and effectively with themselves and everyone they meet. It is not a choreographed dance. Instead, it is an exploration and reconnection with yourself and your body.
Authentic Movement can serve anyone in people-care professions, supporting them in their own healing work and deepening their practice.
Brief Background about the Movement
In the 1940s. Mary Whitehouse integrated her study of Carl Jung, including his creative imagination, and her work with Martha Graham’s modern dance and movement improvisation. She and a group of women, including Joan Chodorow and Janel Adler explored listening to the impulses of their bodies and moving in the presence of a witness. Thus Authentic Movement was born and has been passed on to practitioners, Lynn and Lee Fuller (link to website) who have passed on the love of this practice to Catharine.

Session Arrangements
Authentic Movement service offerings will be held at West 201 Sumner Avenue, Spokane, WA 99204.
Authentic Movement group sessions are by invitation only. Contact Catharine if you are interested since space is limited. You can create your own group of 3-5 people and request a time. Payments for group sessions can be made by donation via Venmo. Catharine suggests that you first experience an individual session to see if working in a group is appropriate.
One-on-one Authentic Movement sessions are scheduled by appointment. Contact Catharine if you are interested in booking a session. Payments can be made by donations via Venmo.

Retreat Services
Enjoy a healing getaway in Catharine’s home These contemplative and relaxing escapes can last a day, overnight, or longer if requested. The beauty of her retreat services is the flexibility to custom-design arrangements for each person.
Space to Play
Space to Play offers a safe place for elders and the youth to connect as they meet and engage with one another through play and the arts.